Yep, that nasty horrible morning sickness has finally caught up to me. I was hoping that I might miss it this time around, but I guess not. In fact, I even stayed home from work today because of it. It started a couple days ago and continues to get worse. Hopefully it won't last too long. Most drs and books say it diminishes as you get closer to the 2nd trimester, and that starts at week 13 (I think). I kinda lucked out last time because I was on summer vacation when I had morning sickness with William. Other than the sickness, I've been feeling pretty good. I still get tired and I am starting to thicken a bit. Of course, it is not the baby since he/she is the size of a sweet pea now; it is all bloating. I know it is bloat because I have lost 3 pounds since getting pg. I might need to find my maternity clothes sooner than I would like. My appointment with my new OB is next Thursday, and we should be getting pictures of the baby via an ultrasound. I will try to post those as soon as I can! Oh, and I had another blood draw on Wednesday and my number was GREAT! It was over 5,000 and we were hoping for it to be at least 3,000. The Dr's machine tops out at 5,000, so they aren't even sure how high it is. I am soooo relieved!
The rest of the family is doing well. William is just a sweetie. Yesterday, I got him some new shoes that light up, and boy does he like them. He marches instead of walks just to see the lights go off! Benjamin is doing great too. He still has been working like crazy on the house, and it is looking great! I am getting excited for the move. It is looking like we will move the day after Thanksgiving. Yea!! This weekend we are going to a special sale at Sears and are getting a new refrigerator and dishwasher. I wonder if I can talk Benjamin into getting us a new washer and dryer while we are there!!?? The house is getting painted this week, and I bet it will really make a difference. We also have new light fixtures to put up too. Too bad we can't afford new carpet, but that will be our next project.
Well, I hope all is well with all my readers, and I probably should go eat some crackers now as I am feeling a little more queasy. I guess it was a good idea to stay home today. I would be really hard to work with kids when feeling very yucky!!
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