Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Had bloodwork done yesterday

I had another blood draw yesterday to check my pregnancy hormone levels, and they "rose nicely" according to the nurse.

Beta #1 (10/28) =9
Beta #2 (10/31) =48
Beta #3 (11/5) =457

My first level was 9, my second level was 48, and yesterday's level was 457! They want me to go back next Wednesday, and I am hoping it will be over 1000! I have my first appointment with my OB on Nov 20, and we will be having our first ultrasound. I am really excited. We should be able to see a little blob with a heartbeat! Yea!!!! 2 weeks of waiting for my appointment is going to be a big test of my patience. I've been feeling pretty well. I haven't had any morning sickness yet (maybe a tiny little bit on and off), but I am hungry all the time and VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY tired. I know fatigue is part of pregnancy, but I don't remember it being this hard when I was pregnant with William. I am even yawning as I type. Is 7:30pm too early to go to bed?

My little William turned 20 months old yesterday. He is just blossoming. He is talking a lot more. Some of his words now are... Dada, Mama, Grandpa (pop pop), hat, banana (nana), hot, Donald Duck, Triangle, "O" the letter, Garage Door, done, "bye-bye", go, dog, no, "quack", "meow", light, water, bath, spoon, shoe, ball, that, down, up, off, and done. He got his first "Big Brother" t-shirt. He is adjusting to daycare very well, and hasn't even needed his binky at daycare. This is HUGE! He also hasn't cried the last 2 days when I dropped him off at daycare too. He is just so much fun!

Benjamin is working very hard on our house. The day we signed the papers, he started knocking down walls!! He has the wall down between the family room and play room, and the framing where the TV will go almost done. He's got some drywall to hang, and then we will be ready for the massive paint job - every single room. He is such a hard worker. Of course, he thinks that it is pretty suspicious timing of this pregnancy - I don't have to carry any boxes when we move in! What can I say? It is God's timing! ;-)

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