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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bloggin will be slowin down for a while

I'm afraid that my Blogging days are numbered. I went back to work this week and barely had time to check my email let alone Blog. I think that things will only be getting busier since this week was just for teachers and not students. Once the kids start coming next week, things will be getting even busier, so I'm sure I won't be able to Blog as much. I'll try for a post on the weekends, but you all know how busy weekends fill up, so I might be Blogging only once a month. But anyway, here is our update for this week...

William has had a kind of tough week. He hasn't been feeling well. He's been cranky, had a fever for a couple days, waking up several times a night, and not eating well. We figured it was either teething or an ear infection. So, yesterday I took off an hour from work and took him to the doctor. The good news is that his ears were clear. The doctor said that he probably was teething, so I am now on a tooth watch. So far I haven't seen anything, but several times a day I stick in my finger (yes, it's clean!! hehehe) and check for a bump. I'm hoping to see something soon, because I hate to see him feeling yucky and Daddy and Mommy would like things to get back to normal. We were getting very spoiled on sleep since he has been sleeping through the night for a few months now! This morning he seems to be doing better. He doesn't have a fever (after the 101.1 at 2:30am!!) and he even ate 5oz of his 6oz bottle. I tend to think he is teething and caught a little bug. Hopefully he is on the mend and a tooth will pop out today!! We'll keep you posted!

As for me, I've had a tough week myself. Going back to work was way harder than I thought it would be. I'm having terrible guilt about going back to work instead of staying home with the baby. Things weren't bad in June when I was working as a summer school teacher, but I was only working 5 hours and it was only for 4 weeks. Now real life begins. I wish we could afford for me to cut back to part time, but unfortunately our finances are where we both need to work. We could do some drastic cuts (like sell the house, get rid of cars, etc) but I love where we live and the neighborhood is wonderful. I really want William to grow up right where we are, so I guess there are just some hard decisions to make. I was talking to Mom about it, and she said that the work/stay home issue is hard for all moms. Maybe once school really gets going things will get a little easier. I do have to say that now that I am back at work, it is very clear to see how my priorities have changed. Family now comes before work, and it always did before, but now it is very more clear!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Made it through the 1st day of daycare!

Yep. William (and I) made it through the first day of daycare Tuesday. I cried like a fool, feeling very embarrassed, but the teachers there were very nice and did a great job with William. I stuck around for a while to make sure William was ok, and then I left. Before I left, William was on the floor with some other babies and he seemed to really enjoy the company of the others. It was great to see! Anyway, I kept wanting to call during the day to see how he was doing, but I decided he would be fine. It was a long day, but I did get to go shopping and have some time to myself which I really haven't had since William was born. I did go pick him up a little early and he was very happy to see me, and I was very happy to see him too. The teachers said he did great and was a happy baby. Whew! I think each day I take him it will get a little easier, and now that I know that William enjoys being around other babies, it helps a little too!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Someone found his feet!!

Someone found his feet! William's new thing is to take his socks off and chew on them! He is so darn cute when he grabs his toes! We are planning on getting some pictures when he turns 6 months, and I hopefully will get one of him grabbing his toes! He's doing really well and growing like a weed! Mom and Dad found some old photo albums, and I can't wait to see if he looks like me as a baby. Mom said he looks a lot like John did at his age. I have officially signed William up at a Daycare. He will go next Tuesday as a trial run. I don't go back to work until the following week, but I thought it would be good to try it once while I was available to be there if I needed to. The only experience William has had with a nursery is the time he went with Mom to vacation bible school. From what Mom told me, he didn't like it when the other baby was crying, so he started to cry. I hope he has outgrown that and does fine there. I'm sure I will cry a little when I leave him, but it is hard to leave your child in the hand of strangers - even though it is a very nice place.

Benjamin and I are doing well. Benjamin has started back to school for an online degree. I am very proud of him. I am sure he will do well! As for me, I had some allergy testing done this week. I haven't been feeling very well after I eat, so I was thinking I might have some food allergies like my allergy to MSG. Well, the testing shows I am allergic to Chili Peppers, Celery, Basil, and Sesame Seeds. I guess I won't be eating Mexican again. Think about it. I think every Mexican dish has either chilies or chili powder! The others aren't as big of a deal, but hopefully staying away from these foods will have me feeling a little better!

Monday, August 6, 2007

My 5 month old boy!

OH MY! Where has the time gone? 5 months???? It is hard to believe. William is doing so much more now! He is really starting to blossom into a little person! He is smiling so much more, really grabbing for toys, and starting to really show some emotions. Just tonight we were playing with a Cookie Monster cell phone my parents got him. When I took it away, he started to cry telling me, "Hey Mom, I'm not done playing with that!" It is really neat to see all the changes he has gone through in the past 5 months. It is amazing to think about what the next 5 months will bring. Here are a couple pictures we took yesterday on William's 5 month birthday!

(Notice the drool mark! This kid is still a drool machine!)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

William and Daddy playing!!

You gotta love that giggle!!