Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 5, 2008

19 months old

Oh my! How is it possible that my little baby is now 19 months old? William is doing well. He is working on some new words and talking lots more. He is totally attached to his Grandpa. He loves going outside to play, and is adjusting to daycare pretty well. School for me is going very well. I am VERY happy at my new school. Everyone is very welcoming and the principal is wonderful! I only have 4 groups I work with during the day and my largest group is 10 kids. It has been great so far. Next week I will be out to a training for 2 days, so we will see how my groups do with a substitute. Some more good news is we have found a house and put in an offer. We haven't heard whether they have accepted or not, but we will keep you posted. It is neat because it is right across the greenbelt from my parent's house. In fact, you can see the back of "our" house from the kitchen window at Mom and Dad's. All is well in our household.

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