Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd start a new Blog about our Sweet William! I'm not sure how good I will be about updating once school starts, but I will try!
William is doing great! He had his 4 month well-baby dr's appointment on Friday. Here are his stats...
4 MONTHSweight: 15 lbs 10 oz (50th percentile)
height: 24 3/4 in (75th percentile)
The doctor said that William is very healthy! Yea! The dr also told us that we should wait to start solids until William is 6 months old due to an increased risk for Type II Diabetes in children. That was something I hadn't heard, so we will be waiting. And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure he is even ready to start solids. For the 4th of July, I gave him a taste of homemade ice cream, and he just kinda kept it on his tongue not sure what to do with it! There really is no need to rush him, right? He still has not rolled over yet , but he is really getting close. He will roll on his side and looks like he will go all the way, but his arm kinda gets in the way. I hope he rolls over before I head back to work in August. He is also getting very aware of his surroundings. He grabs for objects and even is starting to play with some toys! It is really fun to see him progress. He sleeps through the night (THANK GOODNESS!!! WooHoo!!!) so Benjamin and I are starting to feel human again. You don't really understand about sleep deprivation until you have a newborn. He did very well with Grandma and Grandpa while I was teaching summer school. Now that summer school is over, I get to stay home with him until school starts in August! I am happy, but I think Grandma and Grandpa will miss seeing him everyday. But they shouldn't worry. We will visit often! How's the rest of the family, you ask? Doing well!
Benjamin is great and working hard. His schedule has changed to four 10's, so he is now home on Mondays. It is nice to have him home on that extra day even though I don't think he enjoys getting up an hour earlier (5 am!). He has been working hard landscaping our backyard. He has put in a sprinkler system, sod, and about 20 tons of rock! The man is amazing! Not only that, but he is also putting up a patio cover at my parent's house. He has been very busy, and is looking forward to start working on his new (old - non-running) truck! ;-) Oh, and that is Scott in the picture helping Benjmain out with the sod! Thanks Scott! I would have loved to help, but someone had to watch the baby, right? ;-)

I'm doing well too. I enjoyed going back to work for the summer, but am EXTREMELY glad summer school is over. I just am not cut out to be a middle school teacher. I'll keep my nice 4th graders over additudal middle schoolers! I may want to hibernate when William is in middle school! hehehe Other than school, I've been back as choir director at church. We are still looking for a new pastor, so it has been kinda rough. Hopefully we will find someone who is a good match for us and soon. Physically, I am feeling more like my old self. I still have a few pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It is nice to be feeling better even though I am having some trouble getting used to my new "mommy" body. I guess it took me 9 months to get the baby, so it might take me 9 months to get back where I was.
Dusty and Zarbie (the dog and cat) are fine. Dusty is slowing down a bit now that she is 11 years old. The poor thing is going deaf, but I guess that was a plus for the 4th of July. She usually gets pretty scared from all the fireworks, but this year she did great! Even though she is slowing down, she still has some spunk to chase the cat now and again! Zarbie is his regular annoying self! ;-) He is kinda jealous of the baby when the baby gets more attention than he does, but he still sleeps with us every night and cuddles with his daddy!
Well, that kinda gets you up to speed on our family. I will try to add some pictures and update at least a few times a week. Thanks for reading!