Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ugh! Feeling like I am done with being pregnant!!

First, I'd like to start with a disclaimer, that I am grumpy and hormonal, and I am like this everyday now. So, first and foremost, I am sorry for being such a whiny baby...

I am SOOOO done with being pregnant! I don't know how I am going to make it another 10 weeks. I didn't get to feeling this yucky until I was like 37-38 weeks with William. I have terrible heartburn! I mean, I wake up with it in the morning. Water gives it to me! All I have been eating is tums and Zantac! My back is hurting like crazy, and no matter where or how I sit, I am uncomfortable. I can't bend over. It is hard for me to change William's diaper because sitting on the floor and bending around is getting so hard. I can't get up or sit down without making some sort of noise. I am HOT all the time. Those who say it is hard being pregnant during the summer are SOOOO right. I am tired all the time, and can't sleep worth a crap. My hips hurt, and my face is broken out! Waaaaaaaa! I go back to work in 3 weeks, so maybe once I get back at work and not home all day, I will get my mind off how I am feeling on get distracted from it. But for now, I am ready for October 10th!!!

Here is a picture of me at 27 weeks.

Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks so you can compare.
Can you see how much I've grown?


Kate said...

I'm feeling your pain!! We just gotta hang in there!! HUGS!!!

Unknown said...

I know you feel like you are going crazy, but my advice is hang on in there! It will all be worth it I promise! Do you know the sex of the baby yet? Have you thought about baby names yet? is a great place to search as you can look by origin and meaning! Good luck for the labour, it will come. Cant wait for your birth story , Jo