Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 6, 2008

18 months old

The 10 things that I love that William is doing at 18 months...

1. I love that William smiles all the time! (Well, not all the time, but almost!)
2. I love that William is feeding himself more and more with less spills.
3. I love that William knows what happens when Mommy gets his binky and his teddy bear! (nap or bedtime)
4. I love that William will give me a hug and a kiss without even asking for one.
5. I love that William loves books and being read too.
6. I love that William loves to get baths. He squeals whenever I say, "Do you want a bath?"
7. I love that William likes to dance! He is soooo cute!
8. I love that William whispers to me.
9. I love that William is getting more teeth. He looks so grown up.
10. I love that William understands so many things when we talk.

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