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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Not looking good!

No it is not! We have yet to get an offer on the house so it looks like I might be going back to work next year. We thought we could just refinance the house and take out the equity in cash to use like my salary. Unfortunately, we did not qualify. So, that meant we had to put the house up for sale. It was a tough decision, but it was more important to me to be a SAHM now, and after the baby gets older I would go back to work and we could get a wonderful house again. Well, like I said, the house is still on the market with no offers. My last paycheck is in August, so unless by a miracle the house sells tomorrow (showing at 3:30pm - wish us luck) I probably will have to go back to work. They have already filled my position, so I have to apply for a new one. I guess if I don't get a job I will have to sub. The thought of having to put William back into a daycare breaks my heart (see previous daycare posts to see why), but what can a mom do. He really does love to be around other kids, so if I can find a place I feel good about this time around I think it will make life for me a lot easier. Please oh please just let our house sell tomorrow!!

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