Well, I guess this pregnancy is just going to test us until this baby joins us in October. I was feeling some cramping yesterday, the OB sent me to the hospital, and we found out I am in preterm labor. Things aren't too bad yet, I am just softening a little and haven't dilated and the contractions have been stopped. The bad thing about this is I am just so early for this to happen. (23.5 weeks) When I had preterm labor with William, I was 32 weeks. I need to get to 30 weeks to really be ok if the baby comes early. That is 6.5 weeks. I will stop teaching summer school and am on a modified bedrest. Oh, and I am taking the medicine called Procardia to stop the contractions and keep them away. It is going to be a lot harder this time around dealing with bedrest and a 2 year old. Benjamin is going to have to be a single Dad for a while since I am not allowed to lift William at all! I have an ultrasound next week that will measure my cervix, and that will tell us a lot more. So, for now I am taking it easy on the couch and just letting this baby cook.
Please little boy, stay in your Mama's tummy for another 7 weeks.
1 comment:
Lots of hugs! Take it easy!
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