Michael - He is now 9 months old. How did that happen so fast? He's got 2 teeth now. They are sooo cute! He rolls and is even doing a modified army crawl forward. That one is really new. He is still behind in his motor skills. I don't know if I posted, but he has qualified for a state program which pays for his physical therapy and now we get it in our home. That is sooo much more convenient! His head shape is not rounding out like I thought it would, but we are going back to Denver Children's Hospital in August sometime, I will bring it up to the development team. It is getting more round, but what concerns me is how lopsided it is. I guess I will just wait and see what they say. We had a family vacation to San Diego and Disneyland the end of June, and Mikey did so great. He was a great little baby and seemed to enjoy his vacation as much as the rest of us. It has been nice to be done with school and to spend time with him and William. He is getting to be quite a MaMa's boy, so I think the stranger anxiety/ separation anxiety is starting. I am still taking the boys to daycare 1 day a week to just kinda keep the habit and to keep them used to going. Last week Robin said that he was kinda whiny and wanted to be held a lot. I am taking them tomorrow, so we will see how things go.

William - What a little cutie! He is noe fully POTTY TRAINED!!! Hallelujah!! We were having some trouble, and then one day it just kinda clicked for him. I have no clue how it happened, but it did! I was really nervous about the potty training and our vacation. He had only been in big boy underwear for like a week before we left, but the kid amazed all of us! He did so well! He told us when we needed to go, and didn't even have an accident. What a kid! He loved the beach and jumping over the waves. He really enjoyed Disneyland too. Before we went there, we thought his favorite character was Mickey Mouse, but while we were there, we found out his favorite is really Goofy! He was so fun having on the trip, and Benjamin and I are really excited to take both boys back to Disneyland once they get older and can really ride the rides. We are currently waiting to see if he was accepted to the preschool at my school. I'm not sure what is going on since I know we are a classroom short, and I know there was talk about removing the 3 year old preschool. So, if that happens, then I don't see us getting him in another preschool. That one works since I work there and daycare is only 4 blocks away. I am supposed to hear this month, and even called them today to see what was up. But, of course, I didn't get a call back. Maybe tomorrow.

Benjamin and I - We are the boring adults, so nothing that exciting is really going on with us. Benjamin is still the best husband in the world! He really got into the pin trading at Disneyland, and we both are going back to Disneyland in August! WooHoo! It just kinda worked out to go. Benjamin has a class he is taking in Costa Mesa. We had no clue where that is in California, so when we saw how close it is to Disneyland, we decided to go back, just the 2 of us, and get to spend some time together. It is right before school starts for me, so it will be a great getaway before school. Since we only were at Disneyland for 2 days we didn't get to much, especially with the 2 kids. So, this time we get to ride the BIG RIDES!! I am so excited! I guess in other news, I am getting a new principal at my school next year since my former principal retired, so it will be a new year for us!

William - What a little cutie! He is noe fully POTTY TRAINED!!! Hallelujah!! We were having some trouble, and then one day it just kinda clicked for him. I have no clue how it happened, but it did! I was really nervous about the potty training and our vacation. He had only been in big boy underwear for like a week before we left, but the kid amazed all of us! He did so well! He told us when we needed to go, and didn't even have an accident. What a kid! He loved the beach and jumping over the waves. He really enjoyed Disneyland too. Before we went there, we thought his favorite character was Mickey Mouse, but while we were there, we found out his favorite is really Goofy! He was so fun having on the trip, and Benjamin and I are really excited to take both boys back to Disneyland once they get older and can really ride the rides. We are currently waiting to see if he was accepted to the preschool at my school. I'm not sure what is going on since I know we are a classroom short, and I know there was talk about removing the 3 year old preschool. So, if that happens, then I don't see us getting him in another preschool. That one works since I work there and daycare is only 4 blocks away. I am supposed to hear this month, and even called them today to see what was up. But, of course, I didn't get a call back. Maybe tomorrow.
Benjamin and I - We are the boring adults, so nothing that exciting is really going on with us. Benjamin is still the best husband in the world! He really got into the pin trading at Disneyland, and we both are going back to Disneyland in August! WooHoo! It just kinda worked out to go. Benjamin has a class he is taking in Costa Mesa. We had no clue where that is in California, so when we saw how close it is to Disneyland, we decided to go back, just the 2 of us, and get to spend some time together. It is right before school starts for me, so it will be a great getaway before school. Since we only were at Disneyland for 2 days we didn't get to much, especially with the 2 kids. So, this time we get to ride the BIG RIDES!! I am so excited! I guess in other news, I am getting a new principal at my school next year since my former principal retired, so it will be a new year for us!
So, that catches you up a bit. Check me out on Facebook for better updates on our family, but I will try to keep this Blog going.
Here are a few more pics.
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