Mikey: Well, we took him to a neurologist in March to have his head looked at. The neurologist said that he doesn't need a reforming helmet (YEA!!!!) and that once he starts sitting up, crawling, standing, walking, etc, and not laying down so much, his head will round out on its own! Great news. He is still seeing the physical therapist for his Torticollis and delays. She said he is doing well and even making up some ground. We have an appointment next week to see if he is delayed enough to receive free services from the state. They used to qualify kids just based on their diagnosis, but not anymore. So, he will have his evaluation on May 4th. I am looking forward to seeing what the professionals say about his development. He is progressing, just a little bit behind others. He is loving his solids now, and smiles, smiles, smiles. He is the best baby. He got over a sinus infection, and is sleeping all night again. He is a great kid!
Here is a picture of him waiting at Children's Hospital for the neurologist.

William: One word can describe him lately - HANDFULL!!! We are still working on the potty training, but it isn't going very well. He has his good days and he has his bad days. We aren't ready for the real underwear yet, but I sure hope we can get him trained before he goes to kindergarten! ;-) He is really a good kid! He is riding his tricycle all the time. He loves to swing and go down the slide of the play area Grandma and Grandpa got him for his birthday. He is into trains, and must be having a growth spurt because he is eating like a horse!! Maybe this is how it will be when he is a teenager!
Pizza Night with Daddy! (Excuse the hair - he wanted "Goofy Hair") ;-)

Benjamin: Doing fine. He is all happy now because he got himself a 67 mustang to play with! He's already got the thing torn apart and parts to replace other parts all over the garage, and even in the basement. He is the best hubby since he took care of the kids this past week when I was really sick. He did everything! In fact, he is at the grocery store right now. What a guy!
Me: Holding my breath until the end of school. I would be lying if I said this was a good year for me at work. It has been one of the worst. It started off with me being 9 months pregnant with a student teacher. Then, I missed a lot of days even before I had the baby because of complications with the pregnancy. September 30th, Mikey was born - so I was out of work until January. However, we couldn't afford for me to be gone that long, so I came back 2 weeks early, only to take over after my student teacher and the transition was tough. Not only the transition from student teacher to regular teacher for me and the class, but the transition to being a full-time working mom with a 2 year old and an infant. Going back was way harder this time. This time I had 2 kids to take care of and the baby was younger than William was when I went back. I've missed a ton of days this year (not even counting my maternity leave) because of either doctor's appointments, sick children, or my own sicknesses. I'd like to be able to go a full week without missing a day. Ugh! I've also had some parents mad at me this year, which is a new experience. I think they were surprised on how I ran a much tighter ship than my student teacher, and therefore, am a tougher teacher. I guess I can't please everyone, but I sure do try. My plan is to just keep doing the best I can for the next 6 weeks, and then I can relax a little during the summer.
Benjamin and I went to the Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown this past weekend. We have gone for the past 6 years. It was quite the experience this year with the scariest drive of my life. We knew it was going to be a little snowy, but we had no idea it would be this bad!!!
Cars going off the road!!
And some cars even facing the wrong way down the interstate!
But we made it in one piece. We had lots of fun, and it was nice to get a break from the kids and spend some Benjamin and Alesha time. (Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the boys for us.) Now, it is back to reality - like laundry. I guess I best get to it!
1 comment:
cute cute!! They have the same smile!! And YIKES about that drive! WOW! Glad you made it safely!
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