*Our house was on the market to sell.
*Mommy had a birthday.
*Mikey was 3 months old.
*We moved into our new "old" home.
*Mikey had his first Valentine's Day.
*William turned 3.
*Mikey started solid foods.
*Took Mikey to Denver Children's Hospital to check is flat head.
*Had fun being a family.
*Daddy had a big birthday. The big 3-0-!!
*Mikey got his first tooth!
*The boys went to their first Rockies game.
*Took our big family vacation to San Diego and Disneyland.
*Mikey's first taste of homemade ice cream on July 4th.
*Mikey moved to his big boy car seat.
*Mommy and Daddy went back to Disneyland.
*Mommy started back to work.
*William started Preschool!
*Mikey popped out his top two teeth.
*Went to the State Fair Parade.
*Took Mikey back to Denver Children's and found out he has Developmental Delay Disorder.
*Mikey turned one!!!
*Visited the pumpkin patch.
*William had his first Halloween party at school.
*Got a new kitty, but couldn't keep her because of my allergies.
*Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
*A magical Christmas season with 2 wonderful boys.
*Mikey took his first step Dec 30th (his 15 month birthday).
What a wonderful year we had!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Is it almost Christmas already?
Oh my goodness. Time flies when you are a full-time working mother of 2 young boys. Things in our household have been good. Mikey isn't walking yet, but he is cruising everywhere. He is saying a lot more words now: Dada, Mama, Papa, this, dog, hi, bye, fish, eat, yellow, ut-oh, no, down, and probably a couple more that I have forgotten about. His personality is really coming out at this age. He is getting to be a bit of a picky eater (guess he takes after his Mommy), but usually eats more than William does. He is liking to play more and more with William. Whatever William is doing, he likes to be right there. Sometimes that is a good thing, and sometimes it isn't. We can see the beginnings of sibling rivalry. William is a little sweetheart. He is doing FANTASTIC in preschool. He knows almost all his letters and a lot of the sounds that go with them! I am totally impressed. He can write his name and sing a lot of cute songs: his favorite being "I'm a Little Tea Pot!" He is really loving Christmas this year. We took both of them to see Santa at the mall yesterday. William told Santa he wants a "roller coaster". I'm not too sure how Santa will fill that order. Everyday he asks me if he can open the presents under the tree. It is fun to see Christmas through his eyes and remember how incredibly exciting it was.

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