Oops! How did that happen? A whole month gone by without me posting anything. I guess we've been a little busy. We have officially moved! It is sure nice to be home. Moving, however, was a big pain in the neck, so I am hoping that we will stay put for more than a year or two! Since Benjamin and I have been married (5 years) we have moved 5 times!!! Yikes!
A lot has happened that I haven't blogged about. The biggest (other than the move) was William's 3rd birthday! We had a "Star Wars" birthday for him. He loved it.
Here is a montage video I made for his birthday...
He is still working on his Torticollis, but it is much better. We've also been a little concerned since he has been a little behind on holding his head up, putting weight on his legs, and the rolling over. We have been going to physical therapy once a week, and it has really been helping. The pediatrician wanted to see some improvement by his 6 month appointment (which is in 2 weeks) and there is definite improvement. We are going to start some solids next week, so that will be fun. We were going to try this weekend, but with his tummy bug, we decided to wait a week. Look at his smile. Isn't he just the cutest baby ever??

Benjamin and I are doing well. Benjamin has done a fantastic job getting us all unpacked and settled into our new "old" house. I think he is excited to have that 3rd car garage back so he can get working on his hot rod project!! I'm doing fine. We have been doing our state testing this past week (CSAP) and I am glad it is over! I have one more week of work and then Spring Break. I am very much looking forward to a week off. Well, that is what is happening. Hopefully, now that we are moved and all, I'll be able to keep up with this blog better. Thanks for reading!